Private lender HDFC Bank took to microblogging site Twitter on Wednesday to announce the launch its Bank on Wheels service in Gujarat. In order to increase accessibility, the Rural Banking division of the bank has launched “Bank on Wheels” vans that will go to far-flung communities that are 10 to 25 kilometres from the closest branch.
Customers get access to 21 banking services and products. The van will cover three towns in a day and operate at each place for a certain amount of time. The vehicle will also make two weekly trips to each community.
In the presence of Anil Bhavnani, Senior Executive Vice President and National Rural Banking Head, HDFC Bank, and other senior bank officials, the van was waved off by Dhavalkumar R. Patel, Taluka Development Officer, Ankleshwar.
This initiative is part of a pilot project to offer banking services in unbanked locations, in an around Ankleshwar.
Earlier, Anil Bhavnani, Senior Executive Vice President and National Rural Banking Head, HDFC Bank while speaking on ‘Bank on Wheels’ service had said, “At Rural Banking business, we are taking various steps to improve access to banking in remote areas of the country. This van is part of the pilot project and more such vans are planned to be rolled out in various states. There is an enormous opportunity to serve people living in semi urban and rural areas.”
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He further said, “…this vehicle offers practically all services that are available in an HDFC Bank branch, including ATM, Cash Deposit Machine, and special product selection tailored for rural banking consumers.” When speaking about the services the mobile van will offer.
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